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We owe a particular debt of thanks to the following Charitable Trusts for their sustained support of our work 

The Halpin Trust
The Henocq Law Trust
The Daniell Trust

The Swire Charitable Trust
The Valentine Charitable Trust
Michael Marks Charitable Trust
The Linley Shaw Foundation
Postcode Local Trust
Hamamelis Trust
The Cleary Foundation
Summerfield Charitable Trust
The HDH Wills 1965 Charitable Trust
​Chapman Charitable Trust
Leslie Mary Carter Charitable Trust
The Woodroffe Benton Foundation
Sussex Lund Fund
Rushmoor Borough Council - Farnborough airport TAG
William Dean Countryside and Education Trust

We are also hugely grateful for support from the following Charitable Trusts  

The Alice McCosh Trust
National Lottery Awards for All England 
The Banister Charitable Trust 
Barker-Mill Foundation 
Cooperative Bank Customer Donation Fund 
The D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust 
Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust 
Goonhilly Wind Farm Community Fund 
The Helianthus Charitable Trust
The Henry C Hoare Charitable Trust
The Hyne Trust
The John & Pamela Salter Charitable Trust 
The Leggett Charitable Trust
The  Lennox Hannay Charitable Trust
Martin Wills Wildlife Maintenance Trust
The Mercers' Company  
Margaret Guido's Charitable Trust
The Oakdale Trust 
RG Hills Charitable Trust
Rowan Bentall Charitable Trust
Seven Pillars of Wisdom Trust
The St Mary's Charity
The Walter Guinness Charitable Trust


Our work wouldn't be possible without the support of our wonderful Species Ambassadors. Read about them and their work below, or if you would like to become an ambassador please click! 

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